Result | push (std::unique_ptr< Paint > paint) noexcept |
| Passes drawing elements to the Scene using Paint objects. More...
std::list< Paint * > & | paints () noexcept |
| Returns the list of the paints that currently held by the Scene. More...
Result | clear (bool free=true) noexcept |
| Sets the total number of the paints pushed into the scene to be zero. Depending on the value of the free argument, the paints are freed or not. More...
Result | push (SceneEffect effect,...) noexcept |
| Apply a post-processing effect to the scene. More...
Type | type () const noexcept override |
| Returns the ID value of this class. More...
Result | rotate (float degree) noexcept |
| Sets the angle by which the object is rotated. More...
Result | scale (float factor) noexcept |
| Sets the scale value of the object. More...
Result | translate (float x, float y) noexcept |
| Sets the values by which the object is moved in a two-dimensional space. More...
Result | transform (const Matrix &m) noexcept |
| Sets the matrix of the affine transformation for the object. More...
Matrix | transform () noexcept |
| Gets the matrix of the affine transformation of the object. More...
Result | opacity (uint8_t o) noexcept |
| Sets the opacity of the object. More...
Result | composite (std::unique_ptr< Paint > target, CompositeMethod method) noexcept |
| Sets the composition target object and the composition method. More...
Result | clip (std::unique_ptr< Paint > clipper) noexcept |
| Clip the drawing region of the paint object. More...
Result | blend (BlendMethod method) noexcept |
| Sets the blending method for the paint object. More...
TVG_DEPRECATED Result | bounds (float *x, float *y, float *w, float *h) const noexcept |
Result | bounds (float *x, float *y, float *w, float *h, bool transformed) const noexcept |
| Gets the axis-aligned bounding box of the paint object. More...
Paint * | duplicate () const noexcept |
| Duplicates the object. More...
uint8_t | opacity () const noexcept |
| Gets the opacity value of the object. More...
CompositeMethod | composite (const Paint **target) const noexcept |
| Gets the composition target object and the composition method. More...
TVG_DEPRECATED uint32_t | identifier () const noexcept |
A class to composite children paints.
As the traditional graphics rendering method, TVG also enables scene-graph mechanism. This feature supports an array function for managing the multiple paints as one group paint.
As a group, the scene can be transformed, made translucent and composited with other target paints, its children will be affected by the scene world.