ThorVG  v0.15
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 CPointA data structure representing a point in two-dimensional space
 CMatrixA data structure representing a three-dimensional matrix
 CPaintAn abstract class for managing graphical elements
 CFillAn abstract class representing the gradient fill of the Shape object
 CColorStopA data structure storing the information about the color and its relative position inside the gradient bounds
 CCanvasAn abstract class for drawing graphical elements
 CLinearGradientA class representing the linear gradient fill of the Shape object
 CRadialGradientA class representing the radial gradient fill of the Shape object
 CShapeA class representing two-dimensional figures and their properties
 CPictureA class representing an image read in one of the supported formats: raw, svg, png, jpg, lottie(json) and etc. Besides the methods inherited from the Paint, it provides methods to load & draw images on the canvas
 CSceneA class to composite children paints
 CTextA class to represent text objects in a graphical context, allowing for rendering and manipulation of unicode text
 CSwCanvasA class for the rendering graphical elements with a software raster engine
 CGlCanvasA class for the rendering graphic elements with a GL raster engine
 CWgCanvasA class for the rendering graphic elements with a WebGPU raster engine
 CInitializerA class that enables initialization and termination of the TVG engines
 CAnimationEnables manipulation of animatable images
 CSaverA class for exporting a paint object into a specified file, from which to recover the paint data later
 CAccessorThe Accessor is a utility class to debug the Scene structure by traversing the scene-tree